Working hard to assess individuals….now scheduling.
At this time of the year home educators begin to think about annual assessments. Some state laws (including Washington’s) set that as a requirement to access a “second opinion” regarding your children’s academic progress. Keep in mind that this annual assessment does not look at other factors that you believe to be important. (See www.AllAboutLearningPress.com for their graphic: Important things that tests can’t measure…)
Unlocking Learning Potential offers a number of options for getting
that “second opinion” via video conferencing:
1. Non-Test Assessment (one of the options given in the Washington State law, but helpful for any parent). www.unlockinglearningpotential.net/services-1
2. Brain Training Assessment – some parents choose this assessment if a child has learning challenges. Using the neurodevelopmenal approach our learning specialist assesses the child and then designs an Individualized Neurodevelopmental Plan which the parent may do at home. Additionally, they may choose to add ongoing support with our Brain Trainer.
If a parent is not sure, they can choose the non-test assessment and then within a month may do an upgrade to Brain Training Assessment at a discount.
3. Structure of Intellect Assessment. Following the Assessment, a Training Module(paper) with CD is compiled for the student. This would be an excellent follow on to the Brain Training Assessment.
Schedule a Free 30 Minute Consultation via Video Conferencing to help you decide which option is best for you. To schedule the Free Consultation or the NTA or BTA contact: mdail@familyacademy.org
Introducing: Structure of Intellect
Background and History of Structure of Intellect
Dr. J. P. Guilford – During WWII given the task of determining why 35% of Air Corp pilot training candidates who were healthy and had an IQ of 120 or more were washing out.
Guilford used a set of job descriptions for pilots, navigators and bombardiers to construct a test.
Then he compared the scores of successful trainees with unsuccessful trainees. He kept those test items that were consistent with the outcome and threw out the rest. This new test was a better predictor of success.
The attrition rate dropped below 10%.
Dr. Mary Meeker and Dr. Robert Meeker have taken this “work place” model and developed an educational SOI.
Structure of Intellect Model –a different way to look at and measure intelligence.
Combination of Three Main Areas = 24 Learning AbilitiesI. Three Hemispheric (Dimensions) Learning Styles – Right, Left and Mid- sides of the brain.A. Figural – concrete; can touch, see, and hear directly. (right)B. Symbolic – abstract; shorthand for concrete. (mid hemisphere)C. SeMantic — concepts and ideas. (left)II. 5 Ways of Thinking – (ReCognition, Memory, Evaluation, Convergent and Divergent Production)III. 6 Units of Information (Units, Classes, Relations, Systems, Transformations, Implications)
Each ability takes one of each of the three main areas – using a letter from each – get a subtest and an ability – MFU.
How does this differ from achievement tests?
Achievement tests – lack of success without a cause.
In medicine: Taking a temperature fever, but without a cause.
“A diagnostic-type test (blood panel) leads to a treatment plan (in medicine).”The SOI test is like a blood panel. Measures:
24 abilities that relate to basic learning.
Analyzed and interpreted in light of the learning problems … leads to a treatment plan.”
SOI uses Training Modules (paper & / or CD).
p. 37 Inservice Manual
To schedule SOI Assessments contact: emmaelliott6@icloud.com