After years of development, Family Academy Online now offers a full online program for homeschooling families. Our broad range of courses allows us to meet the needs of individual students. In addition, for the last two years students can concentrate on different strands: college prep, entrepreneurship, retail, home management. Students can be fully enrolled (transcripts, graduation requirements etc.) or enroll in one class.
In this part, I want to give you a list of the courses offered in the Career and Technology category.
CAREERS is a course every 9th grader should take to find their path in high school and beyond. New Pathway Portfolio required by Washington State - take courses to enhance your career goals. Required of all 8th or 9th graders. T.M. Goddard-Elliott
CULINARY ARTS Learn the basics of cooking and kitchen safety. Students will make a cookbook. Dual English / Elective credit. T.M. Goddard-Elliott One semester course
CYBER SECURITY With today’s technology learn to keep your banking, emails and credit safe from hackers and wormholes! T.M.Goddard-Elliott One semester course
ENTREPRENEURSHIP This exciting course gives the reigns over to the students to find that niche that will give them something to use as secondary income. T.M. Goddard-Elliott One year course
KEYBOARDING - a course every 9th grader should take – Every job requires keyboarding experience. Required of all 8th or 9th graders. T.M. Goddard-Elliott One semester course Test to see if you qualify for an instant CTE credit.
MARKETING This is a second semester course to the Entrepreneurship course as we continue reading “Who Owns the Ice House” and applying the lessons learned to today and a business you’re interested T.M. Goddard-Elliott One semester course
MICROSOFT PRODUCTS CERTIFICATION Whether you are college bound or business bound, this is a requirement! Learn all the software products and become efficient! Jessica Cook Full year course
QUICKBOOKS CERTIFICATION Whether you are an ENTREPRENER or a household manager, you will need to learn to do taxes and maintain books. Jessica Cook One semester course
YOUTUBE Ever wonder how to make money with YouTube? Learn how! Damon Evans is a Hollywood film producer and he has a great course for homeschool students! Damon Evans One semester course
More courses in development!