Moving In Day – July 26, 2014
To start the day we met at Grace Baptist Church where the young men of the church treated us with a hearty breakfast. From there, we proceeded to our apartment and these young men unloaded our truck and happily put boxes and furniture in the rooms where we directed them. Many of the boxes were labeled well, but the last boxes were only taped up in the rush of loading up the truck a week earlier. We enjoyed getting to know them a little better. Finally, they all left us to begin the process that only we can do… put things away. Our new pastor returned later to see how we were doing. After a few hours of work, we retired in our own bed for the first time in eight days.
July 27, 2014
We attended Sunday services which included: a baptism of one of the young men who helped us out, great preaching, the Lord’s Supper and a special appreciation meal for the retiring pianist. Members of Grace Baptist Church made us feel at home.
Now each day we do a little more to organize our new home so we can function fully within a week and acquaint ourselves with our new home – post office, stores, car registration, driver’s licenses, accessing the VA Medical Center for Ronnie and I will need to be looking at Medicare Advantage plans.
July 30, 2014
We broke our record of having difficulty arriving on time today when we arrived one hour early to the Wednesday evening meal and prayer time at Grace Baptist. This hour allowed additional time to get to know one of the elders more.
August 2, 2014
We unloaded the truck a week ago and we still have boxes around, but we are making progress. We have to pace ourselves. We have been to two post offices, two grocery stores, Wal Mart and Lowes. We also visited Billie’s Health Food Center and the Farmer’s Market. Our goal is to find which stores will meet a part of our shopping needs. There are three more grocery stores on our list. Our washer and dryer will be delivered in four days.