A Book Review: Younger Brains, Sharper Minds by Eric R. Braverman, M.D.
by Maggie Dail, M.A., Learning Specialist

Part III – Your Brain, Your Body
Chapter 13 – Reversing Disease Makes You Smarter
Braverman reminds us that “almost every illness of the body wears down the brain. The brain burns up when metabolism is out of control; it swells in an inflammatory response to an immune system issue; it dries out as it calcifies from bone density loss; it rusts from exposure to metals and toxins, and it gets choked to death from a diminished” P. 229
“This is why the cascade of poor health is so often experienced in the following order of events.
Loss of brain power and speed
Loss of visual, verbal, and working memory
Loss of complex attention
Loss of cognition, abstract thinking ability, inductive reasoning, and spatial orientation
Glands and organs of the body begin to fail” p. 230-231
The body ages when brain speed declines– over the next few pages Braverman lists the physical health breakdowns and the brain chemical deficiency. P. 231-233
Then on pages 234-235, Braverman has a chart that shows diseases that affect cognition.
Frequently, he has mentioned things like, “By following the Braverman Protocol, you can take your health into your own hands by first making small but significant lifestyle changes.” P. 236
Dr. Braverman spends extra time on the following: cancer, chronic pain, diabetes, elevated cholesterol levels, hypertension (high blood pressure), multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, seizures and epilepsy, sickle cell disease, stroke, thyroid disorders.” P. 237-248
One interesting thing Braverman said: “Seizures occur on a continuum: anxiety, depression, insomnia and panic are on one end, and epilepsy on the other.” P. 243
“Brain Training reverses tinnitus” according to a Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis (2011) p. 243
Dr. Braverman counsels the reader to “work with your doctor to reverse disease and restore your memory.” He says to “start with the very best physical.’ He lists 12 different ultrasounds and scans that he would include in such a physical. P. 248-250
After dealing with life-threatening conditions, Dr. Braverman would use his “steps of care” using the mildest options first and progressing as needed. P. 250-251
Next time we will finish up the last chapter of the book with Braverman’s “Daily SMARTS.”