A Book Review: Younger Brains, Sharper Brains by Eric R. Braverman, M.D.
by Maggie Dail, M.A., Learning Specialist
Step 3 – Diet and Nutrition (continued)
Now for Braverman’s 10 Rules for a Younger, Smarter You:
Add spices to every meal (provides nutrients and antioxidants plus it allows your foods to metabolize better – He lists 24 herbs and spices from A(allspice) to T(turmeric). 1 teaspoon of dried herbs equals 3 teaspoons of fresh. P. 149-152.
The right caffeine improves cognition –should be regular, but not excessive – daily in moderate doses; tea is better than coffee or caffeinated sodas; most research on Green Tea – “can increase metabolism, decrease appetite, and provide energy for exercise. It is also linked to preventing a host of diseases that are associated with cognitive decline, from heart disease to cancer to allergies and diabetes.” These teas have brain-enhancing properties: Chamomile, Lemon balm, passion flower and rooibos. P. 152-154
Eat yogurt every day to enhance brain speed – Braverman recommends low over no fat and Greek version as they are less processed. Avoid flavored varieties because of sugar content. Can create a smoothie adding some fresh fruit. P. 154-155
Lean Proteins create the most brain power – “The foods you eat influence levels of both glucose and insulin, and their levels affect your ability to think clearly.” p. 155-156
Top 5 Brain-Boosting Snacks: ((highlighted text box on p. 155)
1 handful of raw, unsalted nuts
1-2 hard boiled eggs
½ hummus and raw carrots
8 oz. of unflavored low-fat Greek Yoghurt with fresh fruit, ice, and whey protein
Kick the sugar habit. – First – switch to sugar substitute; Then – reduce by half each time to remove from diet. P. 156-157
Choose fiber-filled foods to cleanse your body – good sources: oats, beans, dried peas, fruits, vegetables and legumes. To promote regularity and soft stools: wheat bran, whole grain products and vegetables, especially leafy green. P. 157-158
Drink Water – p. 158
Eat colorful fruits and vegetable to slow cognitive decline: red, orange and yellow, green, blue, violet and purple. P. 158-159
Choose High-Quality Produce – local and organic p. 159-160
Include all three basic food groups (carbs, protein, and fats) at every meal. P. 160-161
Regional Specialties are also brain-boosting agents – Braverman continues this step with charts on dining in Africa, Asia, Central and South America, and Europe. He continues with helpful points on what questions to ask when eating out. P. 161-167
Dr. Braverman provides charts of nutrients that make you smarter. He recommends a supplement called “Resveratrol.” He calls it “Reverse it all.” P. 168-169
Choose Treats Wisely – but don’t overdo: blueberries, cranberry juice, dark chocolate, grapes, hops, peanuts, pistachios, pomegranate juice, port and sherry, red grape juice, red wine, white grape juice, white wine. P. 169 – highlighted text box.
Braverman finishes his discussion of Step 3 by listing nutrients that lower stress, fight depression, encourage faster thinking, and boost attention. P. 170-174
He recommends the following supplements for “enhancing exercise performance:” Coenzyme 10, Creatine, Glucosamine and/ or chondroitin, Glutamine, L-carnitine and whey protein. P. 174-175
He also reminds us that “not all supplement brands are equal.” He has his own brand: Total Health Nutrients available on www.pathmed.com p. 175
Next time we will learn about Step Four: Exercises That Boost Your Brain