A Book Review: Younger Brains, Sharper Brains by Eric R. Braverman, M.D.
by Maggie Dail, M.A., Learning Specialist
The Four Types of Memory
Many divide memory differently, but take a look at Braverman’s memory. From his perspective there are four with each one ruled by one of the four brain chemicals.
Verbal (auditory) memory –
Needed for: decoding sounds, words, sentences, and stories.
The ability to absorb and retain auditory input.
Found in the temporal lobes.
GABA found here.
2. Visual memory –
The ability to absorb and retain visual input.
Includes – faces, shapes, designs, surroundings, pictures and symbols
Found in the occipital lobes.
3. Immediate memory –
Short term – only 30 seconds
Visual and verbal
Can’t remember recent, but still can remember remote past.
Found in the parietal lobes.
Ruled by acetylcholine.
4. Working memory-
Most important form
Ability to absorb, retain and associate with previously learned information.
Generally found high in intuitive and introverted people.
Long Term Memory Correlates with Working Memory
Absorbing and retaining information leads to storing long term
Working memory also critical for executive function
Executive function – central organization function of brain
Frontal lobes regulated by dopamine, handle motor control, concentration, problem-solving skills, planning, retention, — functions of working memory.
Working memory puts past, present, and future together p. 53-54
Next time we will continue to address Memory, including Vision and Daily Living Activities.