Ready for part 8 of Gleanings from Learning in Spite of Labels?
Joyce Herzog shares many years of experience in her book and other products on this website:
Chapters in Section Three – Where Do I Start?
o Begin at the Very Beginning (this blog)
o Setting the Stage (this blog)
o A Person, Not a Problem! (this blog)
“Basically, a child with learning disabilities is one who in spite of a normal or high IQ and adequate effort and learning opportunity, has not achieved up to expectations in one or more areas of academic achievement.” (p. 22)
Where Do I Start? Just a sampling of Joyce’s Suggestions:
o Begin at the Beginning – Set goals – Spiritual, Emotional, Social, Physical and Academic. (p. 104-105) Luke 2:52 “...To increase in wisdom, in stature, and in favor with God and man.”
o Setting the Stage – Consider these areas of the physical environment: noise level, lighting, temperature, setting, time of day, social, motivation, persistence, structure, and food. (p. 108-110)
o A Person, Not a Problem! Herzog reminds the reader that “childhood” came on the scene relatively recently. Before, young people were taught skills and had age-appropriate responsibilities. (p. 112-113)
We will continue gathering gleanings from Joyce Herzog’s book as I continue my read. Remember I am only sharing selected gleanings. I recommend that you purchase this book for more detailed information.