Ready for part 2 of Gleanings from Learning in Spite of Labels? Joyce Herzog shares many years of experience in her book and other products on this website:
Chapters in Section One – What I Need to Know?
o What Does It Feel Like to Be Learning Disabled?
o A Look at Learning
o Behavior and Strengths (look for next blog)
o Issues to Consider (look for in a new blog)
Many children who are labeled “learning disabled” do not demonstrate difficulties until they begin school.
Observe changes between the environments and people at home and at school.
Observe the way learning is demonstrated / graded at home and at school.
o Begins early in life and never ends
o “…is the assimilation, categorization, and use of information.” (p. 10)
o 3 Stages – Receiving, Processing, Expressing
o Receiving – through all the senses
o Receiving – sometimes needs help to use more than one sense
o Receiving – Why do we take away access to some of the sensory input when we begin using others?
o Processing – information must be stored, remembered, and retrieved.
o Storing includes categorizing and classifying or relating to new information.
o Remembering – short-term or long-term / seconds to minutes.
o “Memory is enhanced by increasing the number of senses involved.” Use caution because it can be overdone. (p.17)
o Retrieving - accessing, expressing, using, relating to new information.
o Retrieving – how and how well learned, related to previous knowledge, how relevant to learner
o Expressing – Ways to express include: “say, do, write, paint, dance, draw, make or move something.” (p.18)
o Expressing – at school often limited to how a child can express.
We will continue gathering gleanings from Joyce Herzog’s book as I continue my read.