After years of development, Family Academy Online now offers a full online program for homeschooling families. Our broad range of courses allows us to meet the needs of individual students. In addition, for the last two years students can concentrate on different strands: college prep, entrepreneurship, retail, home management. Students can be fully enrolled (transcripts, graduation requirements etc.) or enroll in one class.
In this part, I want to give you a list of the courses offered in the History category.
AMERICAN ADVENTURES AND WRITING Learn history through writing. This is an awesome class! Credit for English and History. Maggie Dail Full year course
CIVICS Become a patriot of our great country. Learn the inner workings of the Constitution! Freedom Civics book is required for this class. Diana McAlister One semester course
NATIVE HISTORY Learn more about the Native Americans and the various tribes. T.M. Goddard-Elliott Full year course
U.S. HISTORY Ever wonder what your ancestors did to help establish America? Use your ancestry to find out! T.M. Goddard-Elliott Full year course
WASHINGTON STATE HISTORY Learn research skills by inductive learning with this great curriculum. Book required. T.M. Goddard-Elliott One semester course
WORLD GEOGRAPHY Learn research skills by inductive learning with this great curriculum. Uses Ancestry for the last Answers provided to the maps. Book required. four units. T.M. Goddard-Elliott One semester course
WORLD HISTORY Using your DNA results in World Geography, spend a year diving into your family history and applying the time and research into your World History class. You will be amazed at what you find! T.M. Goddard-Elliott One year course
For more information: Family Academy Online - Family Academy