Dr. Will Mitchell, DOM, MS Nutrition of Primal Health L.P. wrote the book, The Unbreakable Brain published in 2016. His book makes the case that brain health is achievable and necessary. Citing numerous sources, Mitchell explains the current understanding of how the brain works and what we can do to prevent cognitive decline as defined by dementia and Alzheimer’s.
To clarify, dementia is the general term which includes Alzheimer’s and various other diseases related to mental decline. Dr. Mitchell’s plan outlines actions that prevent these difficulties – beginning early in life. Therefore, consider this information applicable to all ages.
In chapter six Mitchell discusses “Smart Supplementation.” As discussed last time, we need to eat right. Sadly, our food supply is extremely corrupted. For that reason, we must supplement.
One category of supplements comprises the “Essential Vitamins” or those vitamins that our body does not produce. They are A, B Complex, C, D, E, K.
B- Complex and D remain essential for brain health. Fat soluble vitamins, such as D3 must have dietary fat for absorption. (p. 49-50). Our bodies do not Fish Oi so we must supplement. Foods rich in fish oil include walnuts, flaxseed, good vegetable oils, leafy green vegetables, and tuna.
Essential (our bodies do not produce) Minerals include Copper, Zinc, Iodine and trace minerals and must be supplemented. In addition, amino acids and antioxidants are essential. Mitchell further recommends herbal support. (p. 56-61)
Finally, in chapter seven, Dr. Mitchell provides a 28-day plan. Each week the participant should apply one of seven strategies, adding one more each week.
· Strategy # 1 – Manage Your Blood Sugar
· Strategy #2 – “Trade Real Food for Fake Food” (should read: Trade Fake Food for Real Food)
· Strategy # 3- Reduce Your Stress”
· Strategy #4 – Sleep”
· Strategy # 5 - Exercises”
· Strategy # 6 – Supplements” (p. 63-72)
*Reader alert, Dr. Mitchell subscribes to the evolutionary theory, and you will see it in his book. Evolutionary and creation scientists can make great observations and come to different conclusions, some of which are erroneous, and some are true.