By Maggie Dail, M.A. Learning Specialist
I believe that we all would agree that finding the underlying cause for a learning challenge and eliminating it remains the ultimate goal. That is exactly what we do at Unlocking Learning Potential. We offer Brain Training Assessments which include Individualized Neurodevelopmental Plans. Plus we provide support of Brain Trainers during Brain Training sessions.
Nonetheless, as Atticus reminded us in To Kill a Mockingbird, we do not truly understand a person or situation until we have, if it were possible, crawled into his skin and looked at life from his perspective. Families may experience times when they must make and obtain accommodations for their children. I want to begin a list of potential accommodations that can be helpful. I welcome suggestions for additions to this list.
1. Reading a test to a child.
2. Providing a “secretary” for the child to record test or assignment answers.
3. Allowing computer generated assignments rather than hand-written assignments.
4. Not timing a test.
5. Reducing the number or length of assignments.
6. Allowing the child to listen to an audio book or watch a movie instead of reading the book.
7. Allowing the student to do a hands-on projects instead of written.
8. Allowing the student to sit near the teacher.
9. Providing a quiet study environment (study carrel, away from distractions).
10. Providing ear plugs when a hypersensitive child must be in a noisy highly stimulating environment.